The term “3R” is derived from the first letters of the three keywords for building a society that—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. JATCO designs and develops its products to ensure that they can be used for as long as possible, thus aiming for reductions in waste. JATCO also reuses usable parts from products that have been recovered from the marketplace. Finally, JATCO uses recyclable materials then recycles them into new resources. By doing so, JATCO ensures that it is contributing to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.
- 3R for Products
JATCO has developed remanufacturing technologies since 1989 as part of its CVT unit reuse business. Remanufacturing involves the recovery of used CVT units that, have been produced by our company, from auto dealership maintenance workshops, by cleaning and inspecting components as needed, reassembling and testing functionality to ensure an aftermarket product that does not differ in quality from a new product, despite being used.
JATCO currently performs its remanufacturing in Japan (for the Japanese and European markets) and in Mexico (for the North American market), while also coordinating with local repair companies in China, thus thereby working to improve its 3R initiatives globally.
JATCO will continue to expand these operations globally, thereby contributing to a higher-level of global environmental protection.
- Processes in the remanufacturing business.

50% reduction in greenhouse gas generation during production for fiscal year 2050.
JATCO is working to introduce facilities that save energy and resources, with the goal of striking a balance between improving efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of the production process.
Activities such as the exchange of fluorescent lamps for LED lamps, consumption of electrical energy with a lower environmental impact and CO2 generation, investment in new, greener and more efficient technologies for the production of our CVT´s, etc., are carried out at JATCO MEXICO to contribute with this global objective.
Promoting energy and resource conservation in pursuit of greater efficiency in the production process
After purchasing the raw materials, JATCO carries out production in an integrated manner, from the rough material process, the machining process, and the assembly process, all the way to the unit´s completion. However, when planning for a new product or developing a new technology, we are mindful of Earth’s resources. In particular, with the aim of tackling priority issues—such as the reduction of CO2 emissions and the management of hazardous substances through the active adoption of new technologies and the recycling of goods by using idle facilities, we are putting effort into developing innovative technologies to shorten work processes and develop highly-efficient processes with low environmental impact, as well as making the shift toward low-energy and low-resource facilities.
Enviromental Activities
On the following link you can view the global reports, including the contribution of JATCO Mexico along with all JATCO subsidiaries: